Monday, January 30, 2012

Great Show at Common House this past Friday

Yup, we had another fun and successful art opening at Common House this past Friday. This was our first sort of "interactive" art show. We hung cameras from the ceiling and encouraged people to take photos of themselves against the art covered walls. Also started/had a huge drawing on one wall and invited visitors to add to it. The doodles of course became more obscene as the night progressed. HA! I was awesome to have all the walls almost entirely covered by art and what not.

Here's a shot the cover to the Common X Crummy Mega Zine collaboration we did for the show. Rich, Mason, and myself each illustrated a layer and the screen printed the cover with three colorful layers. The pages inside are also a fun collaboration of several artsy folks. Order yours today! To see more pictures  GO HERE.

Mason and Jessica ARE Crummy House. Great job you guys!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Interesting Blog for Artists and Designers

Get a glimpse of whats going on in the art/graphic design world around the globe. Neat!
Fall down the wormhole

CRUMMY HOUSE MEGAZINE launch Tonight At Common House Artist Collective

So I have a few random ZINES that I picked up over the years, including some old school ones from an old friend, artist rockstar badass and personal hero of mine Mike Seiben called Programmed from India. They're a hilarious and a unique part of art history in ATX! But as an art collector/hoarder of sorts, I have ,for the most part, missed out on these unconventional artistic outlets. Maybe because they're usually pretty small? But NOW, thanks to new friends at Crummy House, and studio mates at Common House, I am now more aware of the creative awesomeness and power of zines. Anyone can make a ZINE! About anything, kind of like a BLOG but better because you can hold them in your hand, they're more fun to make, and there are no rules. Not only are they punk as fuck, in my opinion, they're cheap to mass produce and more fun to create and collect. PRINT WILL NEVER DIE.

Come to this at Common House tonight!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

This Friday at Common House!

365 art pieces!

Screen Printing Awesomeness

I am a bit of a screen printing nerd/poster addict/collector so you'll probably see a lot of Snack Machine posts about poster art.  These are by designer Shawn K. Knight. Aside form Wu Tang, I don't know who the other bands are but the posters are bad ass art pieces. Amazing textures, composition and detail! (my art words for the day) Plus, I 'm a fan of anything that has a skull in it. I love that pseudo-mosaic texture inside the skull

Monday, January 16, 2012

More Great Art I Saw on the Interweb

I had a box of money like that one time. SIKE! It's completely made of wood! They all are! RANDALL ROSENTHAL carves and hand paints each piece from a single block of wood!! Check out the money in the envelope. You can see the money showing through. All of it, flawless detail.
Sorry for the excessive use of exclamation marks, I was real stoked about this.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Now For Something More Tasteful and Art Related

Another oldy but a goodie. I visit Pes' site at least once a week, and even though a new one gets added maybe once or twice a year lately, I never get bored of watching his incredible stop frame animations. I love watching how Pes breaths life into ordinary everyday objects. If you're new to PES definitely check out his site. You may recognize some of his stuff from a few TV ads his done.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Catching up on my Youtube viral video sensations.

Alright look, I know I said I was going to blog about art and design and other smart shit but....

I was just shown this tonight by some friends, and even though it was apparently posted in 2008, FOR ME it's the best rap song/video /funniest shit I've seen in 2012. Must of missed this one when I was outside chasing rainbows and butterflys. I consider myself a hip hop and rap aficionado but all I was able to ascertain is that it's by a rapper named CORNBREADD from Houston, Texas?

*If you're at the office put your ear buds in. If you're easily offended and have no sense of humor at all you should go ahead and go to instead.



I finally have a follower! Thanks Jess! The rest of you better get on fuckin board. All the cool kids are doin it.

Speaking of Unicorns...

No more unicorns after this one I promise. Thanks McG!

Click to enlarge if you're old and have shitty eyesight.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


If you love unicorns AND cookies as much as I do (I have a unicorn tattoo) then you need to check this out.  UNICORN POOP cookies people!
That's right! Blow your friends' minds when you show up to the next pot-luck with these colorful sparkly delights. Or bring these the office and amaze your co-workers with your magical baking prowess. They're easy to make and your can shape them to any sort colorful poop shape you like.  Here's a link to the recipe and ingredients. I couldn't find the part that explains how you get the rainbow swirly effect. I'm sure I can figure it out. I'm off to the grocery store to get the supplies.

The 70's where awesome

So my mom recently sent me this awesome ancient photo of me in front of our first family car. Yes, that IS a Pinto! I wish they still made those cars. I wonder what they would look like today.

It would seem that even as a child I made awkward faces in photographs. At least I dressed better back then.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Soviet-era Scrapbbok from Dushanbe

Check out this scrapbook of Soviet-era graphics that was found in a Dushanbe, Tajikistan junk shop. This isn't a printed book, this is an actual scrapbook with the individual panels glued to the pages. Amazing stuff. I'm always on the lookout for designer porn like this. Click on the image to see the more of the pages.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


A friend took this picture of one of my dogs, Rufus, with her phone. He looks so peaceful. All that's missing is the fireplace in the background. You will probably see plenty more photos of Rufus and Rocky in the future.

Who doesn’t love Fritos and Bean dip? A true classic snack from my childhood. My mom used to pack a little sandwich bag of Fritos and a tiny Tupperware container of bean dip (sometimes Jjalapeno Cheeze-Whiz) in my lunch box. My only complaint is that the bean dip says “HOT” and that’s a bold face lie. It’s barely spicy….but I digress.

Designer Olly Moss is My Hero

These Star Wars posters by designer Olly Moss give me a nerd boner. Check out his website for more mind blowing movie posters and more of his incredible workSome more of my favs by Moss are his posters for Evil Dead, Moon, and Rubber. .


So here we are. My very first BLOG. Seems like a good way to ring in 2012.
I’ve been somewhat averse to bloggin, facebook, twitter, and the like…. but it's time get with the times. After all, everyone's doin it right? As an artist and a creative I see so much in the world that inspires me and I feel it’s my duty to share. Blogging also seems like a great way to to connect with like minded individuals, which is crucial to my personal growth as an artist/graphic designer. What inspires me? What will I blog about? I’m a total geek (a handsome one) and there’s so much weird and cool shit out there but if I had to break it down into categories or labels I say art, design, screen printing, music, film and of course SNACKS.

Stay tuned,